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anybody have a "Autocross 101" powerpoint stack?

Subject: anybody have a "Autocross 101" powerpoint stack?
From: Bill Hamburgen 650-617-3329 FAX -3374 <>
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 10:32:26 -0700
I'm on the hook to give a 10-20 minute "tech talk" to my group at next 
Monday's staff meeting.  While these talks usually have something to 
do with what we're working on, other topics can be a lot more fun.

I was thinking of an autocross talk, and would of course be more
inclined if I didn't have to start from scratch.  If you have some 
relevant material you'd like to share, please send it to me (NOT to 
the whole list).  I'll attribute sources for anything I end up using.

Also, if you like a copy of whatever I end up using, let me know.

Thanks all,


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  • anybody have a "Autocross 101" powerpoint stack?, Bill Hamburgen 650-617-3329 FAX -3374 <=