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Track Usage of Rental Cars

To: "''" <>
Subject: Track Usage of Rental Cars
From: "Runnion, Ed" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 22:06:54 -0700
>> thats really cheap for the kind of use it would get at a track though.
>> if you bend it?
>I'm guessing if they find out that you bent their car on a track, that 
>$5.00/day insurance ISN'T covering the damage...  Just a s.w.a.g. though...

Push it out onto the highway, act distressed, make phone call and act
shocked on how the car just managed to "roll" into that ditch on the side of
the road :^)

Seriously, I just got back from the big National (1994-1996) Impala SS
meeting in Detroit (yes Detroit, all of 2450 miles EACH WAY from Santa
Clara!).    200 cars or so, and yes I DROVE there!

A couple of the local folks from out here weren't nuts enough to drive, so
they rented some Caddy Sedan Devilles (you know, the 300 HP FWD ones).
And they ENTERED the RENTALS into the Road Course and AutoX competitions!
For some rental cars on "touring" (i.e. crap) tires, they didn't do too bad!
Enterprise is probably wondering why the sidewalls are all bald now though

Needless to say, they got full insurance on both cars :^).

At any rate, a lotta fun and I think we got a few more folks hooked on AutoX
at the event.   Some folks from Detroit Region of the SCCA did a great job
putting on the event.    I personally managed a 4th place in the
unlimited/modified class, losing by a few tenths (to a couple of cars that
had easily 150 more HP than I did!).   And if I hadn't of hit a slalom cone
on my last run, I would have had a decent chance to win it all (it was a
GREAT run until then!).

And yes Pat and John, I do plan on writing up the "Land Yacht AutoX" for NA
Pylon :^).

Ed Runnion          Santa Clara CA
96 Chevy Impala SS, 5300 miles in the last 2 weeks, about 15 of that on the
road course and autox course :^)

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