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RE: Cheap Gas?

To: "Lolita and Mike" <>, <>,
Subject: RE: Cheap Gas?
From: "Michael R. Clements" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 08:17:50 -0700
I understand where you're coming from. Some lady who was too busy to pay
attention to the road killed my brother about ten years ago. Over the past 15
years and too many miles to count I too have had my own share of "incidents".

If you ride a motorbike you just have to accept the fact that there are a lot
of poorly skilled drivers who don't pay attention, and you're going to have to
watch out for them lest they mow you down. In other words, you are invisible
and everybody is trying to kill you. Motorbikers either follow this
philosophy, or they don't last very long.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lolita and Mike []
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 22:59
Subject: Re: Cheap Gas?

on 6/19/01 1:05 PM, Michael R. Clements at wrote:

> Amen. And commuting by motorbike beats car any day. Take your typical
> cruiser bike and you get ultra reliability, low maintenance costs, super
> insurance, cheap registration fees, no smog tests ever required, 50 miles
> gallon and you get to use the carpool lane. The only drawback is those
> leathers can get hot in the summer sun. . .
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 11:07
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: Cheap Gas?
> It does wonders for your defensive driving.
> KeS
> (75K+ street bike miles)
> On Tue, 19 Jun 2001 wrote:
>> Everyone needs to own and ride a motorcycle, at least sometime in the
> of their life.... its good to see more moto's on the road with the increased
> congestion and gas prices in the bay area...they are really all a single
> individual needs to get themselves to and from work. "Ride to Work" day is
> July 18th, maybe next year you can join them.
>> guess I am up to $.04 now :)
>> peace, luv and two wheels ~Nanda
NO leathers are not the drawback, we have "man-made" materials to deal with
that pboblem-THE problem is dying or living crippled for some morons
mistake. Riding in the bay area is MORE than a full time job.

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