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Re: Cheap Gas?

To: <>, James Creasy <>,
Subject: Re: Cheap Gas?
From: Bryan Medway <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 13:47:02 -0700
Speaking of electric cars with good performance..

check this puppy out..

yum yum


> From: "Michael R. Clements" <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 13:07:13 -0700
> To: James Creasy <>,,
> Subject: RE: Cheap Gas?
> Yup, a perfectly flat torque curve is ideal for autocross. But electric power,
> when you include the batteries, still doesn't have the power to weight ratio
> of gasoline. This is especially noticeable in R/C airplanes, where you can get
> 1 hp glow fuel (nitromethane) engines that weigh about 8 ounces (normally
> aspirated). Lesse, that's 2 hp per pound, and I think even the S2000 engine
> weighs more than 120 lbs. AFAIK, electricity can't beat that -- can it?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Creasy []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 10:03
> To:;;
> Subject: Re: Cheap Gas?
> i think you could make a pretty cool hybrid car with super performance.
> have a gasoline motor for cruising and charging the battery pack, reclaim
> power under braking rather than wasting it as heat.
> you could have a pretty small battery for light weight and a very powerful
> electric motor(s) to assist the gas motor.  electric motors are great for
> launches because they produce maximum torque at 0 RPM.
> of course you might have only a few 0-60 in 2.5 seconds launches before the
> battery runs down and you need to cruise a bit to charge it back up, but by
> then the corvette will have given up.  maybe turn down the power for a few
> autocross runs.  talk about torque on demand!!
> in fact, i see that our local honda hybrid (NOT a sports car) on street
> tires is a tiny tick behind a 127hp civic on R-tires in SFR!
> -james
> PS down with social engineering!

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