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Re: Vehicle eligibility...

Subject: Re: Vehicle eligibility...
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 15:40:39 EDT
In a message dated 10/19/2000 9:12:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I seem to recall Erik Strelnieks (M.D.!) rolling a BMW at the finish line
 on the left-side course at the National Pro Solo about three-four years
 ago. I believe he suffered a broken arm. As I recall, a contributing factor
 was a fast lead-in followed by a quick right-left-right slalom. There may
 have been a bump in there as well.  >>

Dr. Strelnieks was driving an earlier 318i 4 door, not a ti.  I believe it 
was '93, since I popped over the same bump (after a 3 cone slalom) in Charlie 
Michael's RX-3 and pushed off into the same cones that Erik hit with his 
roof.  I was the Pro-Solo starter at the time, and remember watching Erik and 
either Ren Marinus or Jeff Reitmeir in Jeff's 318i coming thru the slalom, 
and turning back to the tree to start the lights, and hearing the crunch of 
metal, as the roof hit the ground.  Erik later told me he was trying to brace 
his elbow on the door, and it slipped, causing his arm to go out.  He was 
lucky it was only broken.


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