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RE: '00 Slush Series Schedule

To: "'Andy McKee'" <>,
Subject: RE: '00 Slush Series Schedule
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 16:16:43 -0700
Andy "the Dynamo" McKee writes...

> Not that I am one to comment about spinning in other people's 
> cars, as I seem
> to have problems with immovable objects.  But I was just 
> wondering if there
> have been any incidences of Katie NOT spinning a co-drive.

I didn't spin my mom's Lotus at the Divisional.

I didn't spin James Creasy's Cobra.

I didn't spin Suzie the 2zie (Cat's MR-2 Spyder).

I didn't spin Arie's Golf.

I didn't spin Josh's CM car.

I didn't spin Sharon Levy's Audi... wait a minute.

Time to change the subject.

At least I didn't crash into anything.

Later, bye.


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