>Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 16:44:46 -0700
>From: "Debbie Cunningham" <bartsmom@mindspring.com>
>Subject: Re: New Slush Series Rules
>I, for one, am VERY disappointed with the new rules. I had been planning on
>competing in the Slush Series all season long. I had been planning on
>purchasing my membership at the first event, which is 10/1. I would have
>purchased my membership earlier had the Region planned and informed us
>earlier that these were to be the rules.
I am in the same boat with Debbie. I've been busy with other
activities recently, so I haven't run an SFR event since the
membership requirement was instituted. I was planning on buying a
membership at the event, because there was a discrepancy between the
fees listed on the two membership forms I found online earlier this
summer, and I wanted to make sure I paid the right amount.
I've been impatiently waiting for October 1st to roll around, when my
friend and I were both planning to take our cars out for our first
autocross in a while. He may not be current, either.
Oh, well. Maybe I'll get my card in time for event #3...
PS - I thought that the per-event pre-registration was a good idea.
Whatever came of that? There's at least one region that does it.
Email is not required, since they accept - gasp! - paper mail.
john@idsfa.net John Stimson
http://www.idsfa.net/~john/ HMC Physics '94