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Re: Tech Inspection Rules

Subject: Re: Tech Inspection Rules
From: Rich Urschel <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 22:10:11 -0400
Kevin Stevens wrote:

> It says your *passenger's* squab - passengers aren't allowed at Divisional
> events.  Please read the rules more carefully.
> KeS

Yes, that's exactly what killed the answer to Huck & Chuck antigrav.
The idea was to tie lots of pigeons to your car with tethers and
scare them with a big bang right after launch so that they would
all try to fly away and lighten your car. The tethers were rigged
to be released with the first application of the brakes. An added
advantage was the condition of the track from the start to the
first corner for the next hour or so, hence the marketing slogan
"slicker than antigrav".


Ps. So is food available at or near Forbes Field? Need an answer
by September 9th or so.

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