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RE: June 17/18 Update 12 days and counting...

To: <>, "Sean & Jeannine Breese" <>,
Subject: RE: June 17/18 Update 12 days and counting...
From: barry Spencer <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 09:05:53 -0700
Kevin S, How was breakfast this morning?.  
   We have a change in the Spencer's Racing Sevices raffle  :>))). TWO
organization will now benefit. The fifty tickets that Kevin Stevens WILL
purchase, will benefit the public schools.   :>))))) Barry spencer
At 08:47 PM 6/1/00 -0700, Kevin Stevens wrote:
  And third, those raffles are a JOKE - the public schools
>don't see a penny of that, and who wins is all a political SCAM, anyway.
>(imitation is the sincerest form of... somethin'!)

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