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RE: May be interesting to some local autocrossers

To: "'Darren P. Madams'" <>,
Subject: RE: May be interesting to some local autocrossers
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 12:31:15 -0700
Thanks for the tip, Darren!

I just signed up for it myself. I doubt I meet their requirements - I
actually try to AVOID driving. But I wonder if Lucy has star potential!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Darren P. Madams []
> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2000 10:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: May be interesting to some local autocrossers
> No affiliation with the company, just read about them in an article:
> They pay you $300-$400 per month to have your whole car wrapped up in 
> stickers from some company.  Would look cool on a race car or 
> show car 
> anyway, and if you're into getting extra attention..... :)
> Downsides that I can see:
> 5 year contract (not sure the impact of that...)
> Must drive minimum 1000 miles per month
> Must have GPS system in car so they can track your every move!
> Must have full comprehensive
> Must submit to monthly inspection
> Other than that, looks like it could pay for someone's tire 
> budget and who 
> knows, maybe could lead to other sponsorship.  I wonder if 
> you could have 
> them put on numbers and class letter while they're at it!  :)
>       --Darren
> p.s. Is this what the Excite Miata I've seen at events is?

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