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May be interesting to some local autocrossers

Subject: May be interesting to some local autocrossers
From: "Darren P. Madams" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 10:18:52 -0700
No affiliation with the company, just read about them in an article:

They pay you $300-$400 per month to have your whole car wrapped up in 
stickers from some company.  Would look cool on a race car or show car 
anyway, and if you're into getting extra attention..... :)

Downsides that I can see:

5 year contract (not sure the impact of that...)
Must drive minimum 1000 miles per month
Must have GPS system in car so they can track your every move!
Must have full comprehensive
Must submit to monthly inspection

Other than that, looks like it could pay for someone's tire budget and who 
knows, maybe could lead to other sponsorship.  I wonder if you could have 
them put on numbers and class letter while they're at it!  :)


p.s. Is this what the Excite Miata I've seen at events is?

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