Arie writes:
<< PS. Just thinking ahead - can anyone fill me in on the lodging info for
Diego and San Berdo?? I'm interested to know who is planning on attending
this season, and also wondering how safe it is down there with a car/trailer
(I've never been so I don't know the area). Anyone? Bueller? Charlie?
Thanks! >>
Weeeeellllllllllll..... My own personal opinion is that San Diego is Car
Theft Capital, USA. Tunnell's Jetta and Vic's Scirocco one year, Per's
Jetta, then a year off, and my CRX (and the non auto-x CRX next to it) the
next. Marge Binks' 280ZX was stolen and partially stripped four times in the
space of a year or 2... I'd leave the race car at QualComm Stadium if at all
Let's see, San Berdoo. Esophagous problems once, broken catalytic converter
once, Andy broke his swaybar out of the chassis there once, but no thefts
that I know of... :-)