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Re: Phoenix Divisional

To: (Russ Bowlus)
Subject: Re: Phoenix Divisional
From: Darren Madams <>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 09:27:15 -0800 (PST)
You wrote:
> SO, who's going?  Is there the possibility of a
> caravan?  Should I buy a CB?

I don't know who's going other than Katie and Arie, but I'm sure a
few people are and I bet they'll carpool... I won't be able to make
it but it should be a great event!

I would seriously consider buying a Motorola TalkAbout... they seem
to have become the standard and work pretty well for car2car and at
the events.  Everyone who's anyone has them :)

> As this will be my first Divisional, any hints?

Rule .5: Make sure you have everything ready and in order.  They will
be a little more strict than a normal event especially on numbers and
stickers.  Make sure to double and triple check your car and lugs and
anything else the local tech guys may let you slip by with.  Make sure
to bring your drivers license and SCCA card (vital!).  Also make sure
to pack lots of clothes (rain and shine!) and sunscreen and tons of
water!!  And a cooler!!!

Rule 1: Don't psych yourself out.  It's just another event, just with
a little more organization.  They will give you a map... don't feel
like you have to memorize every cone number.  In fact, the more relaxed
you can be, the better you will drive.  Don't walk the course too many
times (everyone else will suggest walking it 'til you're sure you know
it, but that just made me more nervous).  Don't let the hotshot national
champions scare you :)

Rule 2: Have fun!  Divisionals and Tours are a great social party.
Try to stay at the headquarter hotel, or at least hang out there every
night... bring some beer if you want, you'll be amazed how many friends
you make.

Now, other hints... and this is where it will get a little opinionated.

A clean run on day 1 is almost always more valuable than a fast one.
If you go into day 2 leading, you can only mess up... if you're in 2nd
or 3rd, and people with no clean runs are behind you, you know you can
afford to push hard on day 2... it's a more enjoyable day of driving
even if you don't get a trophy.

Know your competition.  Inspect their car... not only for illegalities,
but for any legal tricks or settings that may be of use to you.  Know
what tires and sizes they're running.  Ask what brake pads they're
running.  Collect as much data as you can so that when you need to fix
or update something you know what works and what doesn't.

Try to work course, unless it's really really hot, then work trailer.
You will learn more watching good people in similar cars drive the
course than you probably will walking it.  Observe a rungroup you're
not working, so you can concentrate on the whole course.

Do not drink alcahol... even a sip can slow you down.  Of course, this
is my personal opinion and I've often been beated by people who have
had a lot to drink the night before so take it for what it's worth.  I
just figure any impairment of your reflexes is bad in a sport where
tenths matter.  And no, I'm not advocating prohibition (those who know
me know I like to drink), just not when I'm near a car.  Besides, I hear
Coke works better!

Absolutely have fun and meet as many people as possible!!!!


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