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Re: Autocrossing on GT4!

Subject: Re: Autocrossing on GT4!
From: Brian Ellis <>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 08:55:01 -0800 (PST)
In life, I've driven front and rear. But, in GT, I've found that I have
the most trouble with MR drive-trains. I'd like to take one for a spin
in life... been thinking about buying a used mr2 or crx in the < 800
dollar range. They show up in the classifieds every now and then. I'll
probably hold out for a toy-yoda just because of the high-school stigma
against handas. Anybody have some other ideas for an MR that might end
up in the used, under 800 catagory? (aside) After tax season, I might
consider a higher budgit.

Brian E

--- wrote:
> Something that I find interesting is that as a person who has never
> raced a 
> front driver and rarely driven one, that I have a hard time with them
> on 
> GT4. I know I need to modify my driving style with them, but it is
> very 
> difficult. Do you folks who race front drivers find this to be true
> in 
> relation to the different drive layouts. Just wondering,
> Stan V

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