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Re: [evolution-disc.] Lightweight seats

To: "Eric Linnhoff" <>,
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] Lightweight seats
From: Sam Strano <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 18:10:41 -0500
At 04:02 PM 1/31/2005 -0500, Eric Linnhoff wrote:

>Speaking of.............
>Hey Sam, what are your thoughts on that FX1 seat?  Have you sat in one?  I
>was considering one last Spring and then I sat in one. I thought it felt far
>too flimsy for a man of my, ahem, stature.  So I bought the steel framed
>Forza2 from you instead.  ;^)

I haven't used it myself.  But I'm thinking I'm going to replace my Forza 
II with one.

The Fiberglass seats do flex, but they all to, Sparco included.  We have a 
Sparco Evo 3 (they change the names a lot, but that was the name then) that 
has been in use 1999 by 3 pretty big guys.  It's absolutely fine.  From 
what I've seen of the FX1, I have no reason to doubt it won't be as durable.

Sam Strano Jr.
Strano Performance Parts
800-729-1831 orders/price info.
814-849-3450 technical info.

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