I suppose that the thought of simply RAISING the gas tax never occurred
to them. No, let's implement a vastly more expensive project with
privacy concerns, then we can track Joe Public's every move, and cite
them for numerous traffic violations and speeding tickets without
expensive traffic cops!
Hmm, that came out sounding slightly more paranoid then I intended. Or
maybe not....
-Paul Andrews (glad to be on the right coast, for now)
# 42 STX2 Really Blue 94 Miata
By Robert Salladay, Times Staff Writer
SACRAMENTO - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday appointed a new
Department of Motor Vehicles director who has advocated taxing motorists
for every mile they drive - by placing tracking devices in their cars.
The idea would mean a significant overhaul of how California collects
taxes to maintain its often-crumbling roads. Under the plan, the state
gas tax - now 18 cents a gallon - would be replaced with a tax on every
mile traveled by each car and truck.
The notion has not been endorsed by Schwarzenegger but is gaining
acceptance among transportation and budget experts. As Californians
drive increasingly more fuel-efficient cars, state officials are alarmed
that the gasoline tax will not raise enough money to keep up with road