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Re: [evolution-disc.] Re: Potential new helmet rule would

To: evolution-discussions <>
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] Re: Potential new helmet rule would
From: Sam Strano <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 11:27:48 -0500
Wow......  There is no way I'm not going to wear a full face 
helmet.  Sorry.  If this becomes a rule, I fully expect an exception to 
allow us to disable or remove the air bag wheels in stock class cars.

First, I know of NOBODY who's been hurt with an airbag deployment while 
autoxing.  Second, the newest airbags are second-genetation and deploy with 
less force than the first (which haven't been an issue).  Third, people get 
broken noses from airbags, I'd rather have that force spread out over a 
chin bar and dissapated over a larger area than not.  Fourth, a properly 
fitting helmet should not rock back on the head enough to hit your 
chin.  If it does it didn't fit right in the first place.  Either too 
loose, insecurely fastened, or the chin bar was way to close to begin with.

Love it.... US Congress comes to SCCA. 

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