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Re: Fiero upgrade, and autocross?

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Fiero upgrade, and autocross?
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 11:58:51 -0400
> That having been said, the factors that went into the removal of UD/BD
from ST centered around Street Touring's placement between Stock and Street
Prepared and the interest in keeping engine swaps out of ST.  It is my
understanding (an understanding mind you should not be confused with a fact
backed opinion) that the original vision of ST UD/BD was to allow for
swapping smaller components such as brakes.
On that we can agree.

I however, was slightly dismayed when viable alternative wording was
suggested, several times, and ignored.  The gist of the proposed alternative
ST U/B verbiage engine change disallowance was something along the lines of:
"All replacement engines must match the VIN coding for that particular

Of course then the rule-interpretaion-torturists insisted that every other
part around the "good" engine & chassis could be U/B to the lighter/better
parts.  So, little choice was left but the complete elimination of U/B in

Eric Linnhoff in KC
'98 Mini-Viper  #69 STS

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