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Service Manuals

Subject: Service Manuals
From: Craig & Cynthia Naylor <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 12:24:20 -0800
Quote:From: "Charles" <> - my contention being is that we 
are required to own/use a flawed (for the purpose) document as our "bible" to 
live or die by. Discuss!

Although I don't Autocross the car, I went to my local VW dealer to find out 
the cost of the Service manual for my '02 Jetta Wagon.  They provided me the 
price, told me they didn't stock the item, it was a special order prepay only 
item that would have to be ordered from Germany and to expect a 4-6 week turn 
around.  The Dealer employee than informed me that they did stock the Chilten 
(sp) manual, and actually recommended it over the factory manual stating it was 
much more detailed and accurate at a lower price.  I kind of did a double take, 
here I was standing in a VW dealers parts dept., knowing this whole debate 
taking place on over factory vs. after market manuals, and an employee 
was telling me that the after market book was more accurate than the 
manufactures book.  How's them apples.

Quote: From: "Rocky Entriken" <> - Consider also, the 
documentation rule is not mandatory at the local level (the whole rule book is 
for Tours/Divisionals/Nationals).

Define mandatory.... Although I have a service manual for my Integra, I have 
never been require to show it, or even asked if I had one at registration, 
tech, or impound, at a Tour or Pro.  At the local level, only the mandatory 
rules (I think they all have to do with Safety issues) must be followed, 
however it would be very confusing to local competitors if local (supplemental) 
rules did not spell out exact details on anything you did not follow the 
national rules.  Here in san Diego our Supplemental rule book states that 
unless a rule is specifically altered, than the national rules apply.  One area 
that is altered is the time frame for protests, since we don't impound after 

Cynthia & Craig Naylor
Naylor & Naylor
ph/fax 858-679-3754
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