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RE: The death of prepared?

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: The death of prepared?
From: "Eric Salem" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 21:25:11 -0600
> 3. Have a shop manual? That just cute, a shop manual for a low 
> production decades old car, a car that has VERY few stock parts. It's 
> the april FasTrack so maybe it's an April Fools Joke.

Okay, you get protested for having too narrow track, or altered
How do you prove your legality?
> In summary it seems to me the idea of keeping the jump from SP to P 
> modestly priced makes a lot of sense, but please let's not do this by 
> making it MORE expensive for the P cars just to stay where they

With the idea that Prepared is stagnant, and needs new blood to survive,
the SEB and PAC know what you think needs to be done.

Charley, I'm not arguing with either of your points but with respect to
shop manuals, at least the factory versions, they don't all document the
same things across all car manufacturers. For instance most every
porsche pre-'92 has a higher listed weight than it left the show room
actually weighing. Having just checked the track in my factory shop
manuals for my '72 911 it isn't even listed. (or atleast I can't find
it.) Then what about the junk-yard cars that don't have a VIN, and then
became Prepared cars, what manual should they have?

Personally the idea of existing wheel sizes for slicks and open for
DOT's seems reasonable, but the expense of changing wheels and tires and
gearing for a 'totally open' wheel rule would have me getting new
stickers made that say SM/2. And let us not forget that a 16x12 Goodyear
radial slick is about $480 per. Or, atleast that's what they charge the
GT2 club racers.

Again I'm not against all the changes proposed; FI makes sense, a
two-tiered wheel rule makes some sense, but the shop manual idea is just
plain silly.

(I'm sure you'll read my more thought out version in the letter to the


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