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Re: Street races

Subject: Re: Street races
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 03:09:08 EST
Charlie Davis writes:
San Francisco Region ran The Vallejo Grand Prix from '84 to about '88, I 
think.  It was invitational, and I think we had atleast one car into a curb 
year.  Toward the end we had one where Pati Park nailed a mailbox, Bill 
hit a tree, Brian Hobaugh got a no parking sign, and there may have been a 
couple of others...  The event was just too scary to continue...

I ran that one twice - Fun event - Nothing like ripping down a street lined 
with spectators (behind hay bales, of course). The course ran right by a senior 
center! I do remember one CP competitor looking at the course and loading 
back up. Not for the meek!  Also there was a Livermore, CA street race run 
by the SF Region. I ran that in an A-Mod car. At one point you had to make a 
U-turn around a cone on a fairly narrow street. The width of the street was 
just about equal to 2X my Lola's turning radius. I was also never able to find 
reverse in that damn Hewland. (It was in there.) If didn't quite make the turn, 
I would have been stopped, face into the curb, waiting for the spectators to 
push me back! Arrgh! - That didn't happen though. It was a ball running 
through a downtown area. - Seth Emerson 

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