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Re: STS2 and STU at National events

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: STS2 and STU at National events
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 09:26:29 -0800
>IMHO this weekend's event showcased what I see as some of the weaknesses
>with running each round's 4 runs consecutively....


>  Especially if there is a large class in the run group
>running between first and second drivers it can be a 1/2 hr or more after
>first driver before the second drivers run.

Speaking as an impound guy... this means that car classes are going to be 
held in impound that full time and then some?  How did that work in 
Atlanta?  Was it an issue?

On another note, anyone know if the rule against tire warmers is going to 
be considered or implemented for Tours and Nats?

Randy Chase

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