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Have you seen the latest Mini ad campaign?

To: "Autox@Autox. Team. Net" <>
Subject: Have you seen the latest Mini ad campaign?
From: "Joe Goeke" <>
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 22:15:07 -0800
Just saw a new ad campaign by Mini USA in "Fast Company" magazine, and I must
say I amazed at what they are promoting.  I quote:
"Let's recreate automotive history.  Let's see what this street legal go-kart
can do. Let's find a big, empty parking lot. Let's bust out the orange cones.
Let's pull out the stopwatch. Let's set a slalom course for adventure. Let's
get readyl. Let's get set. Let's Motor".

They include a fold out cutout set of cones you can assemble with the
following instructions:
1) Locate abandoned parking lot or airport as potential slalom course.
2) Remove cones from perforations. Fold and space evenly. Road & Track uses
100ft intervals, but they're pro's.
3) Start your engine. Start the clock. Avoid cones like it's your job.
4) Compare results with friends. Prepare to be impressed.

All this with pictures representing each step.

Call me a over reacting fool, but is BMW / Mini USA this stupid?  Do they know
the liability box they have just opened.  Are they so naive to think this is a
"good idea".  Just what our sport needs is a bunch of ya-hoo kids going around
staging slalom testing in random parking lots cause "BWM said to".

There are no disclaimers, no "don't try this at home" statements.  They are
really promoting folks to go out and do this.

This appears totally irresponsible and I would think very bad for our sport.
I'm sent this to Howard and Tasha in case the SCCA is not aware of this.

Am I nuts or is this nuts?

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                       Joe Goeke

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