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Re: Good SEB Letter?

To: <>
Subject: Re: Good SEB Letter?
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 16:14:39 -0600
A "good" SEB letter states your position calmly and factually. It avoids
suggestions of conspiracy and nefarious plots on the parts of SEB or Ad Hoc
members. It avoids assertions that "everyone knows" something (assume nobody
knows, then educate them with facts and data).

Include all the data you can come up with to support your position.

And then, expect nothing until, maybe, you read something in FasTrack. You
may get an acknowledgement of your letter and nothing more. Nothing
personal, just as a matter of practice the boards do not "converse" with you
about your issue.

I wish they would, even informally, since I've more than once had them come
up with an aspect that I had not thought of, and which I could have answered
had I realized there was a question.

You will have greater success if more than just you supports the proposal.
Talk it up among your 911 friends. Get others to write in (if only, "I
support the O'Neal proposal").

You may have to do it more than once. Again next year if it does not fly
this year, but by then you can talk to SEB members (like, at Nationals or
Tours) and find out what failed.

Also remember, your brainstorm may not always prevail. There are more
opinions out there than just yours, so if someone else's counter argument
wins -- well, that's politics. And this IS politics in the way things get
done. Don't think that because one proposal fails, all will. I've send in
more than a few letters in my time. Most don't make it, but a few do. I
don't expect to win them all. I only expect to be listened to -- no
guarantee they have to agree but at least if they disagree it is done with
my input before them rather than ignorant of it. I figure that's worth
something too.

--Rocky Entriken

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael O'Neal" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 4:51 PM
Subject: Good SEB Letter?

> Hi all,
> I'm going to start my campaign to get the earlier air-cooled
> (non-turbo) 911's bumped to BSP since they obviously can't compete
> against the Z06.  Can someone send me (offlist) an example of a *good*
> letter sent to the SEB.  I've never sent one before, and am not sure
> what they are looking for.
> You can send it to  Thanks,
> >
> mto
> --
> Michael O'Neal
> Head Honcho
> Boulder, Colorado
> 720.436.2922
> IM:  AOL-emptyo1

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