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The C-6 Corvette

Subject: The C-6 Corvette
From: "Larry Steckel" <>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 13:58:49 -0500
Merry Christmas to everyone on Team.Net.

The Pittsburgh area autocross list is simply abuzz with posts and counter 
posts concerning the upcoming C-6 Corvette.  Everyone seems thrilled with 
the performance and specifications of the car and what it is going to cost 
to put one in the garage.

That got me to thinking about how the introduction of the C-6 will affect 
the Stock Class line up.

If the Solo Board follows it's usual practice of segregating the latest 
generations of Corvette from each other we will probably end up with:

                          C-6                   Super Stock
                          C-5                   A/Stock
                          C-4                   B/Stock
                          C-1-3                C/Stock

So, when this comes to  pass, can we expect another wholesale 
reclassification campaign in Stock?

Larry Steckel

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