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FM transmitter

Subject: FM transmitter
From: "Kevin Venisnik" <>
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2003 16:38:25 -0700
Hello, I am from the AZ Region and we are interested in getting an FM 
transmitter to broadcast our PA announcements.  I know I have seen info 
posted on the mailing list about such devices but didn't pay attention 
because we weren't looking then.  If anybody could send me info, 
suggestions, tips or whatever to help our search it would be greatly 
appreciated.  We would like to have this system in place for our National 
Tour Date in January if that is at all possible and we are located adajecent 
to an Air Force base if that makes any difference.  If you could reply to me 
directly or cc me it would be appreciated as I am on the digest.

Kevin Venisnik

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