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Which polish to get winter off my wheels?

Subject: Which polish to get winter off my wheels?
From: "Red Raevyn" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003 16:58:40 -0500
Last winter I went ahead and left my Kvnig Tuner rims on for the first few
months while I was romping in all sorts of horrid nastiness.  It had a little
to do with the fact that winter kept pretending to be over then slamming 2
feet of snow into my face, and a little to do with foolishness.   Point is, my
wheels have all sorts of spots and such on them, presumably from the salt and
other substances on the road.  I've tried my favourite metal polish (out of
curiousity) and a lot of scrubbing and neither did much good beyond the dirt
and brake dust.   I know that Mother's polish seems to be the agreed upon
best, but which one?   I stopped by the local ricer store and checked out
Wal-Mart as well - there were a few different types of Mother's available.  I
have my winter wheels on and want to get the Kvnig's cleaned up, and I figured
I'd run it by the guys who clean their wheels more often than I brush my teeth
before I started experimenting at $7 a little bottle. (Hey, I'm a college
student, ok? )

Thanks a lot,

Greg Maust
'88 GLi (that's a Jetta, not a typo)

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