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RE: 04 Nats and Runoffs dates

To: <>
Subject: RE: 04 Nats and Runoffs dates
From: "Eric Salem" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 12:34:54 -0600
The real move SCCA *wanted* to do was push the 2004 Runoffs back a week
(and put a week between Nationals and Runoffs) since the USGP moved to
June -- which would have been Sept. 27-Oct. 4 -- but various other
conflicts and commitments made that not possible. The Sept. 20-26
scheduling of the Runoffs is the same week it has been the past couple
of years -- second full week after Labor day week.

> ProSolo Finale      Sept 11-12, 2004
> Solo II Nationals   Sept 14-17, 2004
> Valvoline Runoffs   Sept 20-26. 2004


Not including the handfull of people that compete in all three events, I
bet everybody else at the runoffs is happy to not be shivering in the
rain in Ohio in October. Besides it can't be more than a 16-hour drive
from Forbes to Mid-O go North on 75 when you get to Omaha turn right.
(Exit at the last Quad City exit for a really good omelet and

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