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RE: 04 Nats and Runoffs dates

To: "Rocky Entriken" <>, <>,
Subject: RE: 04 Nats and Runoffs dates
From: "Mike Clements" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 10:12:56 -0800
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rocky Entriken []
> Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 09:43
> To:;
> Subject: Re: 04 Nats and Runoffs dates

> Then it will creep forward a day on the calendar each year 
> (two in leap
> years) until 2008 when it will be Sept. 8-12 again, then in 
> 2009 it will be
> Sept. 14-18, etc. etc.

At first it sounded backwards to me but it is correct. The reason for this is 

Since 365 mod 7 = 1, a normal year is 52 weeks and 1 day long. Thus the week 
shifts forward by one day each year, and by two days on leap years.

For example, Jan 1 2003 was a Wednesday, and Jan 1 2004 will be a Thursday, etc.

Since the day on which the month beings shifts forward each year, the 1st 
Monday in that month shifts backward (numerically smaller date). The one 
exception is when the month begins on a Monday, in which case the next year the 
first monday of that month will be the 7th (if not a leap year).

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