Nationals first on TV in 1992. Roger Johnson was the host. BF
Goodrich used Solo 2 in some of their national print ads.
Yokohama has used the sport also. The 1998 A Stock National
Champion winner's name was scrolled on-screen in Speedvision
after he won. :^)
Matt Murray
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hugh Barber" <>
> But is it prestigious to anyone outside of the SoloII
community? If the
> Nationals ever get on TV, the first thing a commentator is
going to ask is
> "What did these folks do to get here?" SoloII competitors buy
truckloads of
> tires, shock, oil,etc, but outside of a few isolated instances,
I cannot
> recall seeing ads from any of these manufacturers (in general
> publications) that talk about it. Contrast that with the Club
> runoffs, where I see lots of ads (Hoosier, Redline Oil, etc)
that feature
> the winners.
> Hugh Barber
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