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Re: Qualifying for Solo 2 Nationals

Subject: Re: Qualifying for Solo 2 Nationals
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 18:11:27 EDT
What I have not seen posted here is a recollection that there
once was in place a qualification standard for Nationals.

In 1984 I had a particularly bad weekend at the Divisional
Championship event held in Columbus, Indiana.  Although
I had achieved PAX FTD at a half a dozen regional and 
larger events in CenDiv, and ended up taking the crown for
McKamey's inaugural year of using PAX outside of the street
solo in northern IN.....  My finishing position at that one event
excluded me from running at Salina, where I had finished 4th
the year before.

I got in by petitioning the Solo/Rally department, and by having
affidavits of my credentials submitted by some other drivers.
I finished third in HS that year; the class was won by Peter
Cunningham.  (who still owes me $5 for gas, BTW :-).

If I recall correctly, that was the last year that a qualifying formula
was used to try and restrict the field for the SoloII Championships.
The SEB decided that it was unfair to base qualification on the
results from one event in each division.  No other workable way
could be devised to track driver performance throughout a year,
so qualifying was scrapped.

Those were the days of "King" Bud Grocki, who would run only a
Divisional and then the National, and win AM.  Now one must only
pay the $50 waiver fee, and Nationals might be the single event a
driver runs in a year.  I don't have a problem with that.

Hey, we have space for 1200 in Topeka, let all come who want to.


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