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Re: Solo II National Medals

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Solo II National Medals
From: "Rick Brown" <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 13:41:21 -0700
>Subject: Solo II National Medals

> I don't think we should keep anyone from coming to Nationals, but we
should only hand out medals to the top three, that's it, and maybe the top
ten could get flowers or something.
> I don't know if I'm joking or not.
> -Katie Kelly

We in CalClub have been discussing this very thing.  How deep to go with
trophies, and we have had the suggestion to only give out 3 max.  With
close to 300 entries at an event we have some large classes (30-40 in STS)
so trophies can go as 10 deep sometimes.  And we end up with boxes of
leftover ones that never get picked up.  We have had for some time Solo
Bucks (which can be used for future event entry) available for those who
already have more trophies than they want, but it was optional, you had to
check a place on your entry card.  Now we will probably go to the opposite:
The default will be Solo Bucks ($10 for 1st, $5 for others) and if you want
a trophy you have to check it off.  It will cut down on our unclaimed
trophys and save money too since there is no value to Solo Bucks if not

Rick Brown
F125  &  D Sports Racer

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