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Re: Numbers

To: "Madurski, Ronald M" <>,
Subject: Re: Numbers
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 00:34:16 -0500
No "how" -- in fact no rule at all at present, but that could change under
the proposal.

Ideal is to completely cover it, not just "slash" it with a strip of
electrical tape. Even if the cover does not match the car, if it is an
evident cover it works. Last weekend a friend who normally races "35"
entered late and another driver got his number so he had to run as "5". He
put a big square of white contact paper over the "3" (his car is blue, his
numbers red outlined in white). The square was not mistakable as a number,
so it worked just fine.

BTW -- blue duct tape? Messy. Duct tape leaves ucky residue and can peel
paint. Check out  Scotch Plastic Tape at your local hardware store or maybe
even your local Wal-Mart. Comes in 1.25-inch widths (also a narrower width).
Their blue matches my car color almost perfectly, and their yellow is very
close to mine. So I use that for masking or making number changes. Best
part, it is fairly low-tack so it peels off easily without taking paint and
without leaving residue (even if left on several weeks, which I've done).

Find some that comes close to the shade of your numbers and make your "1"
out of it. It's already the rulebook minimum width.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Madurski, Ronald M" <>
To: "Chuck" <>; "'autox '" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:21 AM
Subject: RE: Numbers

> Umm, I use blue duct tape which is a very close shade to the blue of my
> to cover up the 1 when I have a co-driver.  No one has ever complained to
> about it (which doesn't necessarily mean there's not a problem).
> Is there a rule stating how "extra numbers" are supposed to be eliminated
> from view when they are permanent on the car?
> Ronald M. Madurski
> Lockheed Martin Information Technologies
> 304 625 2269
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Chuck []
> > Evidently a rule does need to be in place that forbids the use of tape
> > represent or change numbers and forbids the use of shoe polish markings.
> > was

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