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Re: need clarification on a rule, please...

To: "Scott M. Stone" <>
Subject: Re: need clarification on a rule, please...
From: Kevin Stevens <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 16:07:35 -0800 (PST)
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Scott M. Stone wrote:

> > >Anyone who knows the correct answer is free to jump in here :)
> ok wait a minute... does it become illegal for ASP if it *can* control
> boost, or if it *is being used to* control boost?  ie, i know the
> programmable f-con *can* control boost.  But if i left it set at 10psi
> (stock), would that still make it illegal?

RTFM - you can make any changes electronically in SP that have a
mechanical equivalent.  Legally, you can bolt in a computer that
transforms your car into an Imperial cruiser, as long as you don't use
that functionality.  Practically, people may look at you askance when you
claim your Super Turbo Boost controller is only being used to adjust the
speedometer for your low-profile tires.


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