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Re: FM Protests...again (was: Service Manauls)

To: autox mailing list <>
Subject: Re: FM Protests...again (was: Service Manauls)
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 09:20:20 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Rocky Entriken wrote:
> The decision itself, however, IS public record. The Supreme Court
> writes lengthy decisions, which are not further argued with but are
> cited as precedent. The PC is not quite so verbose, but the decisions
> are posted on the results boards in Information for anyone to read. As
> are appeals decisions, if rendered during the week. And all are also
> in the back of the results book.

This is more where I was going.  I had no idea that the decision (beyond
"xxx is illegal") was public.

Is there a reason that we don't do a summary of the protest like the SCCA
roadrace folks do in FastTrack?  That kinda thing would be a _great_ start
to getting the straight poop about a situation.  Or is it already there
and I've just always missed it?


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