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Appeal issues discussion

To: "team,net" <>,
Subject: Appeal issues discussion
From: "Larry R. Metz" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 12:22:03 -0500
As a reader o all the discussion of recent on the appeals and rules and

Has anyone ever thought about having a technical inspection offered at major
events, to assist drivers in knowing if their car is legal or not?

Some persons discussing seem to see the rules as only black or white.....I
tend to believe there is a lot of issues of not being clear, and some
conflicts of issues and facts.

IT would seem very very helpful if a special techincal inspection was
voluntarily offered at some major events to help persons find those issues
that may be subjects for appeals.

I recall when I purchased a vee, and was considering racing, I took it to a
tech inspectors house and asked him to review the car and advise me as to
legality.  I learned about some roll bar issues that I had not been aware.  IT
was very helpful and avoided me getting all set and arrive at a race, to find
my money not wisely spent due to some details of the car that I, had not been

An example of unclear, I suggest that the F500 issue seems to have conflicting
rules.....there is an need to have noise levels limited, but then there is the
issue of the length of the exhaust.

In discussion of the overall situation.....competition seems to bring
everyone's egos and feelings to the surface.  IT can be very harsh and
damaging to relationships.  When we put down the entry fee, we need to remind
ourselves we have likewise placed a target on our back, and in the heat of
battle everything is fair game.  Driving skill is not the only
issue....technical skills, rule reading and interpreting skills, and of course
some luck.

I would suggest that our rules system that is enforced by protests, tends to
permit details to be overlooked, and then creates surprises at especially
important events.  IT is a very inconsistent way of enforcing rules.  That is
why I am advocating that there be offered technical inspections
would seem to do wonders for the public relations and discord that we now
experience.  This is especially important in that there is such a variety of
cars, rules, and details.  I suggest that each division needs a technical
resource, or person, that can be available for consultation, as well as
participating in inspections on an on going basis, to provide advise, as well
as give feedback to the rules committee as to potential rules

Hey, about lets find a solution rather than eliminate our
competition every few years due to arguments over the rules?????

Larry #66 solo vee.

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