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Re: OT: What is that with wings?

To: Jamie Sculerati <>
Subject: Re: OT: What is that with wings?
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 21:01:41 -0500
Just to put a final lid on this - as Jamie has so aptly pointed out -
the KC-10 is not assigned to the 190th ARW.  I DO remember the aircraft
loading last year at the south end of the paddock area but I'll be
damned if I can remember what it was.  It could have very well been a
KC-10 - given the circumstances of 9/11.  The KC-10 can carry just as
much cargo and/or passengers as it can fuel.

As for this year, the bulk of the air traffic during the week was the
KC-135s assigned to the 190th ARW.  However, there were also a few
C-130s (though I have no idea whether they were configured as tankers) -
a couple of 707-based transport aircraft, and a whole raft of smaller
jets - usually used for transporting high-ranking officers from one
point to another.  A KC-135 did make a great fly-by during Tuesday
morning's rendition of the National Anthem performed by Doug Gill on his
sax.  Whether that was planned or not, I don't know - but it rather
looked like it was.

Hope everybody had a great time in Topekee!  I know I did, even though I
spent the whole week battling a cold!!!  That's why I didn't try to do
anything at the Thursday night talent show.  8<{)

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

Jamie Sculerati wrote:
> Must have been transient aircraft.  KC-10s have never been assigned to the
> Air Guard; the tanker unit at Forbes -- 190th ARW -- is a Kansas ANG unit.
> For the last few years, all KC-10s have been split between Travis AFB in
> California and McGuire AFB in New Jersey.  Like most airlifters -- and they
> do nearly as much trash-hauling as refueling -- they get around.
> Jamie
> '92 Prelude Si
> Speed Demon Racing

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