Two points (both of which you made but I will emphasize]
1) You say you are not advocating that the P&M's have some consolidation?
Why not at least consider it? That's what the data says we should do.
2) These are existing classes that at one time were well-subscribed relative
to the rest of the classes in the sport. The current supplemental classes
have (arguably) not yet shown that level of subscription for a significant
length of time. As for P&M's, there are well-defined rules that spell out
how undersubscribed existing classes eventually go away.
--Andy "some look at the data and say 'why'. I look at the data and say
'why not'" :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mari Clements []
> [Before I even start this, let me say very clearly that I am NOT
> advocating
> getting rid of any Prepared or Mod classes. Not my bone, not my
> dog, not my
> fight. I just think that if you use stats to make a point, you
> need to make
> that point using all the data.]
> > I find that the turnout has been continued to be irregular.
> Certain areas
> > have strong support (Las Vegas) and most others do not.
> The same thing can be said for all of the Prepared and Mod
> classes. Looking
> at the National Tour results from this year, EVERY Prepared and Mod class
> had at least one NT with either 0 or 1 entrant--and all these numbers
> include both open and ladies class competitors.
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