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Re: SCCA AutoX Insurance Question

To: David Disney <>
Subject: Re: SCCA AutoX Insurance Question
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 15:07:18 -0600
Though you may get several responses to your question from this list,
Dave, I think you'd do better to send that same message directly to Pete
Lyon in Risk Management.  Avoid the middle man.  You can find his email
address on the SCCA website.  But protocol says it SHOULD be

He's a busy guy.  But, in all the years that I've known him, he's always
shot me straight on my insurance questions.  And I'm proud to call him

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

David Disney wrote:
> I've been curious about this for a while and haven't found an
> answer...
> As I understand it the SCCA policy is for liability. So, if I go
> off course and damage a fence, building, etc., then it is
> covered. I would also assume it is covered if I hit a parked
> car... but what if I hit a parked competitor's car? Will it pay
> for their car or does the SCCA insurance operate under
> "racer's rules" where you fix your own no matter what happened?
> Also, does SCCA insurance cover accidents in the pits or the
> grid? Would it cover if say, my throttle stuck open and I hit
> another car in the pits?
> Is there a copy of the actual policy detailing the coverage anywhere? I
> haven't been able to find one.
> Was the earlier discussion about personal insurance policies just
> talking about full coverage (fixing your own car) and personal policies
> not covering autocrossing? Shouldn't we be covered, from a liability
> standpoint, by the SCCA policy?
>       - Dave Disney
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