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Re: On Speedvision Right Now, Boat Autocrossing

To: autox list <>
Subject: Re: On Speedvision Right Now, Boat Autocrossing
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 10:53:43 -0500 (EST)

> > I have never seen boats turn like these do; they put those F1 boats to
> > shame.  Just saw one spin out, and wind up on shore, but it didn't even
> > roll over or burst into flames.  Nothing there more interesting than a
> > Solo.  Hell, ProSolo would be much better TV than this.

I watched that too.

To me, one of the attractions of things like this, lawnmower racing, etc.
is that its unusual.  Those jet boats were freaking incredible.

I don't think an HS Civic has quite the same attraction. :-)

Even given that, did you notice that this was a world series, etc. etc.?
What the "must be on tv" people seem to be forgetting is that you
typically grow the sport at the grassroots / local level, _then_ market it
to sponsors for tv coverage.  Sure, you might get a one shot 30 minute
show doing it the way they're talking about now, but what the heck good
does that do?  If the goal is to grow the sport with sponsor dollars, you
better show a televised series/points championship.  We don't have that in
any form.  The closest thing is ProSolo.

MHO, but if you wanna grow the sport, do it at the local level by
supporting fans at events and advertising.  That will let competitors
attract local sponsors along with local event sponsors.


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