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Re: Start Design

Subject: Re: Start Design
From: "Patrick Washburn" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 13:46:17 -0600
This is true of a simple turn-before-start type thing.  What I have seen is
a straight, maybe 30 or 40 feet long, and a tight chicane type turn.  This
design totally eliminates entrance speed as a factor. (For the most part) 
Obviously there is a speed at which you should get into it, but it does not req

> Here's the way I approach Nartionals-style "turn at the start" starts.
> Pretend for a second that the entry to the start is preceeded by a long
> straight - that it's a "normal" corner.
> What would your entry and exit speeds be, if that were the case?
> Now, consider that at the actual event, you're going to have your car
> sitting on the entry point with a speed of zero.
> How hard must you launch to wind up at the exit point of that turn with the
> same exit speed as the thought experiment?
> For most cars and most turns (no, not all, there are car and course
> dependancies) that answer becomes "as hard as I can" because you'll be hard
> pressed to get the car up to that maximum theoretical exit speed in that
> distance from a standing start.
> Is it tough? Yes. Is there potential for conage? Yes. But the payoff for
> getting it right is a substancial increase in speed as you trip the start
> lights. It's "free time", and depending on what the course looks like
> downrange of the start, it can pay off enormous amounts.
> ...just like the dragrace start...
> By putting in a "start hook" - unless it is obscenely pinched - a course
> designer has not absolved a competitor of the necessity for a dragrace
> start. The time payoff is still there. What he _has_ accomplished is to
> raise the level of difficulty of the manoever to the point were only the
> skilled (or the practiced) feel comfortable in attempting it.
> But the time advantage for a full launch is still there.
> DG
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Patrick Washburn
C-Tech Trailer Cabinets
Designed for the Racer
Wausau, WI

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