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Re: Acceptable finish designs

Subject: Re: Acceptable finish designs
From: Steve Elzinga <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 06:09:45 -0800 (PST)
Dave Hardy wrote:
This brings up a question.  If you leave the course,
hit no cones, and re-enter prior to where you left,
then there is no penalty except for time, right?  Now
if you do this before hitting the start lights, then
there is no penalty at all, right?  I saw an
"opportunity" at the Peru Tour (Day 1) last year that
I didn't exploit, but I could have, assuming the above
is true.  Instead of taking a left at the start, which
is how the course was laid out, I could have gone
straight through a couple of cones on the outside of
the turn, taken a right, gone a 100' or so, turned
back around, and gunned it, re-entering the course
upstream of where I left it, and not hit any cones. 
This all could have happened before the lights.  I
would have then passed through the lights at 50
instead of 20.

I know that would be an assy thing to do, but would it
be illegal?

I saw a similar opportunity last year and asked the
same question, although I wasn't really considering
doing it I wondered what prevented it.  The most
common response (which I agree with) was that it would
be really bad sportsmanship.  In talking with the
event director he also said you would be immediately
disqualified for dangerous driving.  When I looked at
the rule book (don't have it in front of me now) there
was also a rule about delaying the event or something
along those lines.  All in all I think it would be a
bad plan and probably your last run of the event.

Steve Elzinga

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