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RE: so much for the petition

To: "'Bruce Wentzel'" <>
Subject: RE: so much for the petition
From: "Matthew D. Murray" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 09:12:07 -0700
It didn't stop Bruce. They just didn't air it live. Money and logistics had
a lot to do with it. Someone from the Porsche list
<>  did send an email and received a response to the
effect of  "we feel the same as you viewers do." Trust me, speaking with
some of the production folks, they are as unhappy as the rest of us are.

One show is airing tonight at 10 PM eastern & 11 PM Pacific. It is
identified as T1, Race 4.  I suspect more shows will be reairing so I'd
recommend to keep checking the website for more airings.

So Bruce, can I rent you for Only $9.95 per month? Does the El Verde Dot
come with you?  :^)

Matt Murray

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Bruce Wentzel []

        So has anyone else called or emailed Speedvision to complain, like
about the
        Runoffs coverage stopping?
        Is the list of petitioners available? Maybe ESPN or TNN would be
        to see all those names of people who want to see road racing?

        Only $9.95 per month!

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