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Re: Tire warming revisited...

To: "Mark J. Andy" <>,
Subject: Re: Tire warming revisited...
From: "Brian Berryhill" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 17:33:00 -0500
I don't mind people doing a burnout during a launch, but there was one event
I was at and this SP'd Porsche co-driver spun a little bit more than I
thought they should pulling up to the staging line.

I probably wouldn't have cared except I heard tiny bits of gravel
reverberate against my non-trailer queen, shiny-daily driver, buffed and
waxed rio red paint.  Ouch!  Can we get a lesson in clutch modulation over

Brian (who usually saves the donuts for one of the middle runs)


> Howdy,
> On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Talley, Brooks wrote:
> > It seems to me, however, that it would be perfectly legal to do a drag
> > style burnout at the green flag, scoot forward a bit, throw it in
> > reverse, burn out some more, do donuts (course width permitting),
> > etc.... all before the starting lights.  Getting the drive wheels warm
> > should be a piece of cake, but with a bit of imagination, it should be
> > possible to get the other wheels (if any) warm as well and still get a
> > good run at the lights.
> >
> > Anything wrong with that?
> You'd be an ass?
> Mark

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