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Re: Kosei question

Subject: Re: Kosei question
From: <>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 12:16:00 -0400 (EDT)
Linnhoff, Eric <> wrote:
>   What's the advantage to running these
> neat looking, blue anodized valve stems over the common black rubber type
> that you pull through from the inside of the wheel?  They look to me to be
> just another opportunity for a leak.

  I know nothing about your Kosei wheels, but my Weld wheels have
  similar valve stems.  BTW, the only thing I can find about these
  "flush mount valve stems" on the Web is that they are Gorilla
  flush-mount valve stems.  Mine are probably these:

  I have read one account of Weld wheels having leak troubles because
  of that valve stem, but so far in the short time that I have had my
  Weld wheels (bought secondhand), I have not had a leakage problem.
  It seems to me that the seal is rubber-to-metal, just like in the
  case of "regular" rubber valve stems, so I wouldn't think that the
  probability for leakage is any different.

  Also, there is a nut that squishes the rubber grommet, which is
  better than normal rubber stems, which I *think* is simply
  pressed into a hole in the wheel, and relies on air pressure
  inside the wheel to help establish the rubber-to-metal seal?

  A bigger problem of mine is the fact that the valve is mounted on
  the inner surface of the wheel's rim.  It's even further out of
  harm's way that way, but that also means that once the wheels are
  on the car, it's difficult to reach in there and screw the adapter
  in for checking/fixing air pressures.  I just can't leave the adapter
  screwed in because it interferes with the caliper at some points.
  I am waiting for the day when I forget to take the adapter out and
  have the wheel messed up when the adapter hits the caliper!

"Bruce Wentzel" <> wrote:
> My observation is that there is some dimensional variance of these valve
> stems such that a conventional air chuck does not work well on them and Tire
> Rack said that there had been other complaints of this as well. I don't use
> them for this reason.

  Certainly, the screw-in adapter (probably Gorilla) for my wheels
  has a center "pin" that is somewhat recessed, so not all air chucks
  and air gauges work.

Andy Nguyen \ \

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