My observation is that there is some dimensional variance of these valve
stems such that a conventional air chuck does not work well on them and Tire
Rack said that there had been other complaints of this as well. I don't use
them for this reason.
Know anyone who wants some cosmetic blue valve stems?
----- Original Message -----
From: Linnhoff, Eric <>
To: 'autox' <>
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: Kosei question
> To all owners of Kosei wheels; When you bought your Kosei wheels (you did
> buy them from the Tirerack, right?) did you receive some neat little
> machined aluminum screw-in style valve stems?
> Well I did and I'm kinda confused. What's the advantage to running these
> neat looking, blue anodized valve stems over the common black rubber type
> that you pull through from the inside of the wheel? They look to me to be
> just another opportunity for a leak. They sure aren't any lighter than the
> rubber valve stems and to me it looks like an opportunity for the neato
> machined aluminum nuts to fly around inside of the tire when they loosen
> themselves. And yes, I have heard of Loc-Tite but.......
> What sayest the audience?
> Eric Linnhoff in KC
> 1998 Dodge Neon R/T (see-dan)
> STS #69 TLS #13
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