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Re: Umbrellas

To: "Phil Ethier" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Umbrellas
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 17:01:27 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Ethier <>

>I was only referring to Rocky's description of a few workers authorized
>the red flags, awaiting orders by radio.  I have never had any such problem
>locally.  As I mentioned before, I have never seen red flags used this way
>in any Twin Cities event, SCCA or not.

Actually, IMHO Phil is part right. If a worker sees a situation he thinks
warranting stopping a car, we tell him to go ahead and stop it. Dunno how
many times I've seen a car stopped and thought that was not really
necessary, but someone always reminds me an extra rerun or two is always
preferable to an incident. Err on the side of caution.

But we also tell people NOT to get out where they are in danger while giving
such a signal. For our events here in Salina, every corner has a red flag.
It only takes one flagger, not a horde of workers. And as often as not, the
worker may get a radioed order to red flag a car -- usually to flag a car
who is well away from an incident (most often, a spinout of another car
further on). That's why he often gets an instruction by radio to fly the
flag rather than doing it on his own -- he is away from the incident paying
attention to his own portion of course (as he should be) and has to be told
to shut the car down because of something that has happened elsewhere.


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