On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, Rocky Entriken wrote:
> That doesn't say "stop" to me. It says "slow down."
Huh? If a worker is telling you to do _anything_ during a run, you better
just stop and figure out what the heck they want.
> Several people rushing at you? Where are all these people coming from and
> how did they all get instruction to go rushing at you. More likely, one or
> two workers connected to "central" by a radio, AND told to stay out of the
> way of that car, not get in front of it to do the hand jive.
Five times outta ten, a car that gets redflagged is actually stopped by
another worker nearer the course without the flag anyway. This is no
> Umbrella. Sure. why not? I have. Not just for rain, but sometimes for sun
> too. But if I have to go chase a cone, the brolly is dropped back at the
> (OFF COURSE) worker station, not carried. I may need both hands to do the
> cone(s).
As long as we're making mountains outta mole hills, umbrellas shouldn't be
allowed. Its distracting to both driver and worker. The worker will
either carry it with them to the cone, slowing them up; drop it first,
leaving it to blow away; or close it THEN drop it, which will slow them
Just say no. Get a hat with a brim and some decent rain gear.
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