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[all] Shop Visit / Corner Balancing Demo / Formula Mazda at Pro

Subject: [all] Shop Visit / Corner Balancing Demo / Formula Mazda at Pro
From: <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 22:26:51 -0400

Well, I gave it a few days, and it looks like we have 4 people who are
interested.  I will contact Pro One and make the final arrangements.

I do not yet have the shock back from Tri-Point / Pro Parts, but the guy
said he should have it in the mail tomorrow.  So I am going to shoot for
July 7th for the visit to Pro One at Gingerman.



>I am going to put together a visit to Pro One at Gingerman
>Raceway, to have them give us a guided tour of a Formula
> Mazda car.  These are rotary-powered open wheel formula
> cars.  If we get enough people interested, I am sure they
> would be willing to pull the skin off of one and give us a
>presentation on it.
> Also, while I am there, I will need to get my car corner balanced
> and aligned.  If anyone is interested in seeing this done, I will
> see if they mind an audience.
> I am hoping to get my car back together by then, so I am thinking
> of setting this up for June 30th.
> Please let me know if you are interested.
> Cheers,
> Steve

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