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Re: Peru Nat Tour

To: "Gary Gaither" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Peru Nat Tour
From: Vince Bly <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 12:51:00 -0400
At 10:47 AM 6/19/01 -0700, Gary Gaither wrote:
>1.  Where is the event hotel at?
>2.  Also are there any hotels near the site?
>3.  Is there a cap on the entries, like 300?
>Gary Gaither

According to Denver, the entry cap for this year is 350!

The motel is the Circus City Best Western.  Unfortunately,
it's been full for weeks (for the Tour weekend).

Other motels in Peru & Kokomo are listed on the SCCA
web page for the event.

                                 Vince Bly  #49 STS

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